1. Sports Netting
  2. Cricket Nets
  3. Replacement Cricket Cage Nets
28 Results
quadruple bay standard replacement netting

4 Bay Standard Cricket Cage Replacement Net 21.95(l) x 14.64m(w)

Article number 0483H/N
Unit price
£ 1,669.50
quadruple bay standard replacement netting

4 Bay Standard Cricket Cage Replacement Net 18.32(l) x 14.64m(w)

Article number 0483G/N
Unit price
£ 1,410.75
quadruple bay standard replacement netting

4 Bay Standard Cricket Cage Replacement Net 14.64(l) x 14.64m(w)

Article number 0483F/N
Unit price
£ 1,152.00

3 Bay Standard Cricket Cage Replacement Net 21.95(l) x 10.98m(w)

Article number 0482H/N
Unit price
£ 1,296.00
3 Bay Standard Cricket cage Replacement Net

3 Bay Standard Cricket cage Replacement Net 18.32(l) x 10.98m(w)

Article number 0482G/N
Unit price
£ 1,094.63
out of

Replacement Cricket Cage Nets

Our replacement cricket netting is designed to replace the cricket nets that are supplied with our collection of cricket cages. From single-bay cricket cages to quad-bay, our replacement cricket nets are available in a range of sizes.


Damaged or worn cricket batting nets can pose a safety risk – cricket balls might fly out of the cage, potentially resulting in injuries for players. Ensuring that your cricket cage nets are undamaged and up to scratch is really crucial for keeping your players (and spectators) safe!



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We're experts in manufacturing high-quality sports netting, so we know what it takes to make a great cricket net. Our replacement cricket cage nets are made from a knotless polypropylene material that is UV-protected and weatherproof, so you can be sure that they'll last!


The 40mm mesh size is the perfect size to take the impact of your cricket ball without damaging the underlying net.

Bespoke Replacement Cricket Nets

If you're after a custom size for your cricket practice nets, then our team of netting experts can cut the nets to your exact specifications.


Whether it's steel batting cages or mobile cricket nets, we can create bespoke netting to suit your requirements at a great price.


Get in contact today, and we'd be happy to discuss your requirements!

Shop Huck Nets' collection of replacement cricket netting today! Plus, take a look at the rest of our cricket game and training equipment, and stock up on everything you need for a successful cricket season!






What is the standard size of cricket nets?

The standard size of cricket nets is 20 metres in length and 3.6 metres in width. We have a range of different size cricket netting to fit whatever application you need.

What is the use of cricket nets?

Cricket nets can be used for cricket training cages, batting cages or pitch ball stop netting. They're perfect for honing your batting skills or shielding spectators from any stray balls!

Do you need planning permission for cricket nets?

If you're building a cricket facility, you will need planning permission. It's important to check the local legislation and regulations relevant to your area before proceeding with any installation or construction.

Can cricket be played under a roof?

Yes, cricket can be played under a roof. You'll need to ensure that the height of the netting is sufficient and that there are no objects that might obstruct the play. Take a look at our range of indoor cricket netting here.