Golf Practice Nets

Golf Ball Stop Netting - Made to Order (20mm)

Golf Ball Stop Netting - 3m x 3m (20mm)

Folding Golf Practice Cage & Net - 3m x 3m x 3m

2 Bay Socketed Golf Cage & Net - 3m x 6m x 3m

Heavy-Duty Golf Baffle Net - Made To Order

Archery Grade Golf Baffle Net - 3m x 3m

1 Bay Socketed Golf Cage & Net - 3m x 3m x 3m
2 Bay Golf Cage Replacement Net - 3m x 6m x 3m

1 Bay Golf Cage Replacement Net - 3m x 3m x 3m

Freestanding golf practice net 3m x 3m x 3m

Lightweight archery netting/golf baffle nets

200mm x 4.8mm Cable Ties - Pack of 100
The Best Golf Nets for Practice
We have a wide range of golf practising nets for perfecting your golf swing across a variety of applications - from golf cages, bays, baffle nets and ball-stop netting - all manufactured to our high standards.
Our nets are some of the best golf nets around, providing long-lasting and high-impact-resistant performance. The polypropylene material we used for all of our golf hitting nets is much stronger than others available due to our clever knotless design.
On top of that, all our nets are UV, rot and weather-proof, so they're ideal for using outside over long periods.
Made-To-Order Golf Practice Nets
We have various sizes of golf netting available to fit standard 3m x 3m x 3m golf cages and bays, as well as custom options available.
Our in-house team manufactures everything, so we can create bespoke golf practising nets to your requirements. Whether you're after a larger m2 for a unique cage or an alternative shape for a bay, we can provide the perfect solution.
The mesh size of our golf nets ranges from 20mm to 25mm so that we can provide you with the best-suited net for your application.
At-Home Golf Practice Nets
Our golf practice nets can also be used at home as well as at sports clubs and facilities, allowing you to create your own at-home golf practice set-up.
When building and installing a golf cage, we recommend using a 20mm mesh heavy-duty golf net around the cage's sides, back and roof.
A golf baffle net should also be used as a second layer for high-impact golf ball safety. Install the baffle nets 300-500mm in front of the back nets and don't pull them taught - a sag in the net will provide the most effective impact absorption.
The last thing to consider is a golf mat, which can be useful if the cage is built on a hard surface like concrete or gravel.
Order Golf Practice Nets Online Today
Whether you're searching to furnish or refresh your golf course or looking to create an at-home golf practice set-up, Huck Nets has the best practice golf net solutions.
Order your golf practising nets online today! Please contact our sales team if you have any questions about our products or bespoke service.
Be sure to check out our other golf accessories and practice aids for the complete golf practice solution.
What are Golf Practice Nets Used For?
Golf practice nets can be used to construct golf cages and bays, golf simulators, and driving range nets. They also provide a safe practice area for golfers to hit balls without damaging their surroundings or other people.
Can Golf Cages Be Used At Home?
Yes, you can set up a golf cage at home if you have enough space in your garden. We also recommend installing ball-stop netting around the perimeter of your garden as a precaution to prevent golf balls from damaging neighbouring property.
Do You Offer Golf Netting Installation?
Yes, we have a golf netting installation service that removes all the hassle of putting up the nets yourself. Our sports netting team has years of experience and will do the job safely and quickly. Visit our netting installation page for more information.
Can You Hit Real Golf Balls Into a Practice Net?
Golf practice nets are designed to be used with real golf balls, so you can hit real balls into the net. Our golf hitting net solutions are some of the best available, using our innovative knotless design to create a highly absorbent and durable barrier.